I’ve mentioned here before that the Internet has made “Gemini Art” an international publication. One of the first contacts I received was from a fellow artist in Italy, Federico Forconi. Freddie also posts a blog about his artwork. I have listed his link on this site for quite a while.
Freddie recently asked for a picture of me because we have actually never met. I was pleased to find that his request for a picture was to use as a resource to create artwork of his own. He has sent me a copy of the finished work as a gift. I was very flattered.
Our artistic styles and media are very different. I’m a traditionalist, Freddie works in a very modern, abstract, digital format. I believe our only common artistic frame of reference is that we both love to create and use our imaginations.
In appreciation for his gift I have posted a copy of his “portrait” of me and a brief interview (think of “The Actor’s Studio" ala Gemini Art) we conducted via questionnaire. I have left his responses to the questions just as he answered with very little editing. I love how his vowels and adjectives flip-flop occasionally and his prepositions go askew sometimes. Leaving it like this gives us a sense of what I’m sure is a very cute Italian accent. I’m so glad he speaks English. Goodness knows I could never hope to speak his beautiful language. I hope you enjoy this feature on Federico Forconi.
GA: Age, Personal Stats, Location?
Freddie: I am 42, I am fiancé and definitely in love, I live in Florence, (my hometown) - Italy
GA: Education and Background?
Freddie: I studied to become an accountant: I tried to work as an accountant but I hated that job! In family my dad was a graphic (now he’s retired) and he worked as graphic and artist for many Italian publisher. My mother is a housewife (but non desperate). My brother work as editor and graphic for a publisher. At the moment I work in the same publisher but at the commercial department!
GA: Artistic medium and preferred aesthetic?
Freddie: The artistic mediums I prefer are Cinema and photography. Cinema, the so-called 7th art has been keeping me alive for 42 years! My favourite directors are Stanley Kubrick and Pedro Almodovar! I love very much the American science fiction films of the fifties such as Body Snatchers, the War of the Worlds, the Japanese Godzilla! About photography my favourite artist is the American photographer David Lachapelle. Last year my publisher published the catalogue of his exhibition hold in Florence and I really fall in love with his artwork. In my photos I I love using Photoshop to recreate a sort of science fiction atmosphere in my photos for example in “Clones Attack!” and “New World”. These two photos are visible on my blog: http://frederickstudio.splinder.com/. (key words on Google: Frederick Studio) . The models of my photos are some friends of mine.
GA: Personal philosophy?
Freddie: Anywhere you go there You exist!
GA: Politics and religion?
Freddie: Politically I am left-wing! If I were American I would have voted for Obama! I did not vote for the government currently in power in Italy, whose prime minister is Silvio Berlusconi, the man that in an interview defined the American President, Barack Obama, “a tanned man”!?! Regarding my religion I am Buddhist and a member of the Soka Gakkai Association an international Buddhist association. Soka Gakkai promotes the peace and culture throughout the world. One of the member is Tina Turner.
GA: Would you ever consider visiting the US? Why or why not?
Freddie: I visited United States in 1991: New York City, Boston and Chicago (Obama’s Town). I loved these towns. New York City is my favourite American Town probably because in my imaginary is the greatest movie set in the world: its skyscrapers made me think to some movie masterpieces such as Metropolis by Fritz Lang and Blade Runner by Ridley Scott even if the first was German and the latter was set in Los Angeles in 2040. I also enjoied very much the Chicago’s Downtown. The towers along the Michigan Lake reminds me the Tuscan’s town of San Gimignano that is situated not very far from Siena. San Gimignano is very famous too for its towers. Evidently I am also fascinated from modern architecture and in Big Apple and the Windy City you’ll be spoilded for choice. But I would like to visit U.S.A. one more time. I am attracted from the American big spaces such as Grand Canyon, Sequoia Parks and Devil’s Tower in Wyoming and where Spielberg shot “Close Encounters Of The Third Kind”.
GA: Why do you go by Freddie "FEET"?
Freddie: probably you are referring to my previous e-mail address freddiefeet@email.it. That address is not more valid. I chosen that name because some friends of mine gave me as nickname Fred Flintstone, the famous Hanna & Barbera Cartoon of the Flintstones: Fred Flintstone is always barefoot. In fact in summer I often wear flipflops , of course barefoot like Fred Flintstones… In Italy despite Flip-Flops are in fashion if you wear them you can cause an uproar amongst Italians. Anyway my new e-mail address is: frederickstudio@email.it.
GA: What are you truly passionate about?
Freddie: Definitely CINEMA!
GA: What makes you laugh? What makes you cry? What makes you angry?
Freddie: What makes me laugh? Spontaneity! And the Italian stand-up comedian Luciana Littizzetto! (http://www.lucianalittizzetto.it/). What makes me cry? A truly romantic film (such as Moulin Rouge or Brokeback Mountain)! What Makes me Angry? Italian Citizens that voted for the actual Italian government makes me angry. As I already said, the prime minister is Silvio Berlusconi an Italian media tycoon: Silvio Berlusconi in its politics only take care of his huge private business.
GA: Anything you want to add?
Freddie: Be Yourselves tonight! And today and each day for the rest of your lives!