Friday, December 29, 2006

Number One

Obviously this is my first post. I love to write and I love art. So, I wondered, why not write about art. Especially, my art. Since myself and I were in unanimous agreement on this decision, I've got a blog account now. I already have a website with another service that hosts my Art Gallery site (more about that later). But, being a single guy in a little house, in a small town, I'm left with no one to talk to except my reflection in the mirror. Of course, I could pick up the phone and call a friend. But, then I'd have to listen to them, right? And this is supposed to be all about me not them, right?

Well, I'm excited about getting this thing set up so this first entry will be very brief. I hope you're somewhat entertained by what I call everyday life. If you're amused or inspired by something your read, let me know. I'd love to hear from you. (Unless you disagree with me, then just keep it to yourself.)

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