At last!!! The new site is up and running. http://members.cox.net/gemini_art/gemini_art.htm.
I can't describe how excited I am about this new site. There are so many improvements that I want to point out to you.
First of all, the color scheme and layout is much more inviting. I got rid of the black and orange that made it so imposing. Also, I have samples of artwork on the very first page. I realized that if I have an art gallery website, I needed to focus on art. I narrowed my focus and only featured the works that I like. I read a few essays online about good website design. They all recommended that the content be very direct and to the point. I've included an artist's statement in the "about me" section. I've decided to highlight my figurative works. On my last site I was showing my landscapes and everything. I thought (in my misguided way) that I was demonstrating my versatility. NOT!! The truth is that they (the landscapes) were just not good. Creating artwork with the male figure as the primary subject is my first love. Its what I enjoy working on and so that's what I plan to showcase on this site.
I've finally decided to sell my artwork. The first website was truly a gallery only. It was my little photo album of what I can do. But, now I've decided that if someone enjoys my work, I'd like to see it hanging on their wall. I've had very kind complements from viewers on this blog and from other sites. Its given me the confidence to put prices on the work.
Now for the disappointments. I want very badly to be able to accept secure payments. I tried for a long time tonight trying to get Paypal sales to work. I have a Paypal account. I took all the right steps of creating "Buy Now" buttons. But, to no avail. If anyone out there in the cyber ether knows how to make this work, let me know. I'm desperate.
I've also included more contact information, even my phone number. I may regret that decision, but we'll see. If it results in my selling a painting, then that's great. I also included a paragraph soliciting commissions and models. I know it looks a little presumptuous, but taking on commissions is one more source of income. If I want paying clients then I have to ask for them, right? I was hesitant about asking for models. However, I know that to create legitimate, respected work I have to create unique and original subjects. I can't spend an artistic career just copying from photos taken by other artists (photographers). I have ideas for artwork that will never be realized unless I contract and pose my own models. I may get some undesirables because of this, but I'll use my own judgement about who to accept. If there are any artists out there with advice, I'm willing to listen. But, for now, please visit the new site and let me know what you think. Link to it and check back often to see when I post new work. It would be nice if you also bought a painting or two.
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